Friday, June 02, 2006

Turnkey Internet Business Opportunities

There's no such thing as a free lunch - or so they say!

Well, I' m just experimenting with the Website Article Wizard and am intrigued with the results. It's the closest thing to a turnkey internet business that I've found.

Using ready written articles and rather clever software, it creates content-filled websites that the search engines will love.

Here's what internet marketing whizz, William Charlwood, had to say about it:-

"It lets you build good-quality, human-friendly, search-enginefriendly, content-rich sites fast. And you can include your AdSenseJavaScript and any affiliate links too.By fast I mean in 30 minutes. So you could build and publish 16 content-rich sites in an 8 hour day if you really wanted to. Seriously.

Most auto-generated websites are rubbish in my view. They may appealto the search engines for a short period but then they get banned. This system is different and much, much better.

The sites it generates are interesting to real people and I know thisfor a fact because on average each visitor to mine goes to just over2 pages. ....
Read whathappened to the designer and then you decide. His name is David Watson and he went on holiday at the beginningof January to Gambia. 2 weeks later he came back and found thathe'd earned over 5300 dollars from AdSense on his automaticallygenerated sites. "

Check it out at Website Article Wizard .

Turnkey internet business opportunities


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